For the 7th time the Liepaja Jewish Heritage Foundation was hosting Eduard Kaplan’s personal art exhibition at the Liepaja Jewish Community hall at No.21Kungu Street.
It has become a tradition to hold an exhibition in February to celebrate the artist’s birthday.
As Eduard admitted, this exhibition, as well as all the previous ones, is a kind of summarizing the accomplishments of the year.
A large number of visitors – friends, acquaintances and former colleagues from ‘’Liepājas metalurgs’’ – gathered for the dedication of the exhibition.
E. Kaplan says that Liepaja has always been a source of inspiration for him. JūrmalasPark, Kūrmājas prospekts, Šaura Street, Ludviķa Street, J. Dubelšteina Street, the beach, portraits – this diversity creates a strong desire to learn more about the picture. The most valuable thing is that E. Kaplan preserves places in his paintings, which may look quite different today.