1. At the end of the 19th century a second Jewish cemetery was opened at today’s Cenkones Str. 20.

2. In 1867 a firm of undertakers “Hevra Kadisha” was established of which the management consisted of :
N. Klatschko , O. Mihaylovich , A. Lippert , Sh. Israelit , Z. Kabalkyn , A. Waldstein,   I. Mandelstam.

3. In the 1890 several community social aid organizations were established and in 1898 a Jewish women’s charity “Help” (HILP) was set up.

4. In 1893 an Aid Committee for Jews emigrating from Russia through the port of Liepaja was established. By 1905 the scope of Committee’s work was extended and sleeping accommodation capacity had increased from 14 to 100.

Statistics covering Jews emigrating through the port of Liepaja were:
1907 – 2,797
1908 – 1,367
1909 – 2,100
1910 – 1,660

5. In 1905, a Liepaja aid charity providing for poor and ailing Jews “Linas Hatsedeck” was established chaired by Herman Epstein.

6. In 1909 a credit institution known as “Gmiles Khesed” was set up.

7. In 1910 “Maushaw Skeinym”, a charity running Jewish shelters was established, managed by Emil Falck.

8. In 1910 Rabbi Klein established a “Howaway Ciyon” department in Liepaja.

9. In 1911 a Jewish vocational benevolent charity “Poalei Tsedeck” was founded.

10. In 1920 a charity running Jewish almshouses was established.

11. In 1924 a Liepaja Jewish charity providing nursing for the sick was set up.

12. In 1929 a Liepaja charity providing clothing for the needy was established.

13. In 1930 the Liepaja board of medical specialists was founded (managed in 1935 by Dr. Max Weinreich).

14. In 1932 a charity was set up and managed by Heimann Rabinovich to run the Liepaja Jewish Secondary School.