Liepāja Jewish Community gathered in the restaurant of the Liva Hotel, as the community hall could not accommodate everyone who wanted to participate in Purim celebration.

This year, the board of the Community decided not to follow the traditional Purimshpil, which was usually performed by members of the Community clubs. It was decided to make a short film on one of the topics dedicated to this wonderful holiday.

As always, financial support was provided by the Hesed charitable social center, the Uniting History charity foundation and the ‘’ Liepājas ebreju mantojums ’’ foundation. The working group, which included board members, community activists and representatives of the Foundations, organized an unforgettable holiday with a separate program for children and adults.

The central event of this holiday was a small film shot based on the history of the holiday, but transferred to modern Odessa. The director, screenwriters, and actors are all board members and community activists. The script and the play of the actors caused laughter and enthusiastic applause from the audience. Cheerful Jewish live music sounded throughout the evening.